More resources

If you want to find out more or donate to conservation efforts, here are some links to explore.

More information

There are a variety of resources below if you want to find out more about New Zealand's birds.

  • New Zealand Birds Online

    Want to identify any New Zealand bird? Have a look at this website for a comprehensive list of species and detailed information about them.

  • Te Papa Tongarewa

    The Museum of New Zealand. This article discusses the introduction of mammals to New Zealand and the impact of human intervention on New Zealand's endemic wildlife.

  • Department of Conservation

    The New Zealand Government has a Department of Conservation. Here you can find an A-Z of New Zealand birds as well as some of their songs and calls and a list of those currently threatened.

  • Forest & Bird

    A leading conservation organisation in New Zealand. Their website has plenty of information about their current work.

  • Catch Fish Not Birds

    An organisation trying to make the fishing industry safer for NZ seabirds. Their website has a lot of information about the seabirds of New Zealand.

Click on the buttons below to be taken to the donation page for the relevant conservation project.

Photography and art credits for this site

All images in the "birds" section are from New Zealand Birds Online.

The background image is by the artist Sarah McNeil.

The favicon image is "fantail bird" by Joanne Lush from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0).

I created the logo using by Jenn Schiffer.